Create My Account

If you have not yet created your account with our PTO, now is the time!  Click the "login/register" button below to get started!  Please follow the instructions listed below the "login/register button".  Signing up with the PTO does not automatically commit you volunteering or purchasing, but will keep you in the know about activities and opportunities going on in the school!  We will be sending all communication to you through email through this more back pack fliers!




3 Easy Steps to Registering and Joining the PTO Online

  1. Create a Membership Toolkit Account

  2. Fill out your Family Information & Directory and Publishing Preferences

  3. Fill out the Volunteer Interests Form (encouraged, but optional...does not commit you automatically, just gives us an idea of who may want to help when the opportunity comes about)

  4. Once you have the green checks next the registration items you DONE!!

If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization, you can use the same log-in here. Need more information? 

Security Information

Every account will have their relationship to the school verified by the PTO board at time of registration and annually.  While we encourage you to consider listing your family in the directory for our school's parent body, you can opt out of this when you register and still receive email communication from the PTO by registering your account here.  

Upcoming Events!

Donate Today!

Did you know that Melissa Jones PTO is a 501c3 nonprofit? 

Check with your employer - many businesses will match donations made to our 501c3 organization! 

All donations are tax deductible!  



New User?  Click Create Account to Get Started!

 If you do not have an account yet now is the time!  Click "Create my Account" below for more information, instructions and link to registration page.

Support MJS PTO