Welcome to Melissa Jones PTO

Join our hive!  Melissa JOnes is a GREAT place to BEE!  


We are so glad you are here!  This website serves as a rallying point for those eager to support Melissa Jones School students, staff, and community!


The MJS PTO works with Jones administrators and staff to enrich the school and community experience for our childrenYou can learn about some of the ways we do this here.  Look around!  Then register on this site and get involved.



Special Education PTO

Special Education Parent/Teacher Organization (SEPTO)

SEPTO is a valuable resource for anyone looking for more information about the services available to students in the Guilford Public Schools through Pupil Services. The website provides guidance, contact information, and resources to parents and caregivers. You can also sign up to receive newsletters and event information, and find a community to support you. You can also follow SEPTO on Facebook. 

Website: Guilford SEPTO  Facebook: @GuilfordSEPTO 

Our Melissa Jones SEPTO representative is Cynthia Willner. If you have any questions regarding SEPTO, please reach out to her! She can be reached via email at: cindy.willner@gmail.com 

The mission of SEPTO is to create collaborative relationships between Guilford Public Schools, families of individuals with disabilities, and the community through support, education and empowerment. Our goals: educate, network, empower, advocate, support. 

  • ​Promote high quality education for children with disabilities by providing families with information, training, resources and support.
  • ​Provide a network of resources through guest speakers, workshops, and shared information on related topics from Pre-K through Transition.
  • ​Empower families to navigate the special education system with a thorough understanding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
  • ​Advocate for children with disabilities and their right to a Free and Appropriate Education in Least Restrictive Environment through an open dialog with legislators, GPS Board of Education, and the community.
  • Foster and support the spirit of inclusion in academic, social, and recreational settings by elevating the community's awareness and acceptance of all children's varying abilities.

Resources for Families: 


Guilford Public Schools Pupil Services - overview of GPS special education services and staff contacts


Special Education Referral Form - if you think your child may benefit from special education services, submit this form to pupil services to request an eligibility evaluation.


A Parent's Guide to Special Education in Connecticut (CT.gov) 


Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center - extensive educational resources and supports for families of children with disabilities in CT


211 Child Development - free infoline staffed by care coordinators who connect parents with community resources to support their children's development


Sparkler - free app with validated screening questionnaires to check if your child's development is on track (ages 0-5)




Enrichment Programs





Upcoming Events!

Donate Today!

Did you know that Melissa Jones PTO is a 501c3 nonprofit? 

Check with your employer - many businesses will match donations made to our 501c3 organization! 

All donations are tax deductible!  


Melissa Jones Spirit Wear

Show off your MJS pride!

Tons of designs to choose from - colors and prints are all customizable!




Click HERE to make your purchase!

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