Melissa Jones Families
Welcome to our 2024-2025 academic year at MJS!
A warm welcome to our incoming Kindergarten and new to Melissa Jones families, as well as a strong welcome back to our returning families!
New families, please sign up with our PTO Website here so you can receive all important communication, sign up for enrichment, sign up to volunteer, and stay up to date on events and happenings! Returning families, please update your family profile including student grade and teacher now!
Returning Families
We have had great success the past few years with our primarily digital communication using our PTO website. We look forward to continuing our primarily digital, nearly paperless communication for our 2024-2025 year! Please update or create your new family account/profile ASAP so you can receive information for upcoming PTO sponsored school events, enrichment program opportunities, volunteer opportunities and more. Melissa Jones PTO Website Link.
PTO This Year
One of the best ways to become involved at the school is through the PTO. Please join us in making this a banner year for the kids.
GeT Involved
Parents can easily sign-up to help through the user-friendly communication site Melissa Jones PTO Website. Whether you bake a batch of cookies, create a flyer, work a booth, participate in a committee, or just attend meetings, please get involved. It’s rewarding for you and your child, and all of the MJS children will thank you!
We are actively seeking both new and returning parents to help work on various committees and events. Throughout the year we will need continued support and volunteers for the many sponsored events. Please stay tuned for sign up opportunities, and email us anytime to express your ability or interest!
While meetings are only a very small sliver of the PTO effort, they are a nice way to stay up to date, meet some of the players, and they are a comfortable way to slowly get involved if you are feeling apprehensive. PTO meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm in the MJS Library. Come learn about the amazing events that PTO supports for our children!
We welcome new ideas and input and would love to inform you about the importance of PTO. Please join us the first Wednesday of each month. Bring your questions, ideas, and bring another parent!
stay up to date
Can't make the meetings... you can still be a very active PTO parent and participant! Come when you can, stay in touch by email and with our website when you can't! No worries!
This year will be an exciting and busy year for our MJS community and PTO! We are hoping you will feel comfortable to get involved and join us at the forefront!
Your PTO in Action
The following list is a summary of where your PTO monies go and what programs the PTO sponsors for our children.
- Help build and maintain the magnificent playground in our school yard
- Rent buses for field trips
- Subsidize field trips
- Teacher grants for special projects: distributed to teachers so that they can incorporate "extras" into their classroom programs, such as books for the classroom library and materials for special projects
- Purchase our Bee Book Folders for the students
- Bring Cultural enrichment programs to our students. Fund cultural arts programs and assemblies for the children throughout the year, like theater, opera & musicians
- After school family activities like the Fall Festival, Back to School Picnic, Ice Cream Socials, Family Fitness Night, Special Someone Dance to name a few
Upcoming Events!
- Wednesday, April 2
- Wednesday, May 7
- Wednesday, June 4
Donate Today!
Did you know that Melissa Jones PTO is a 501c3 nonprofit?
Check with your employer - many businesses will match donations made to our 501c3 organization!
All donations are tax deductible!
MoreMelissa Jones Spirit Wear
Show off your MJS pride!
Tons of designs to choose from - colors and prints are all customizable!